Tuesday, March 8, 2016

College Students

Today we started the rounds of visiting the girls who have graduated from St. Clare and it was a joyful day. The girls were happy to see us and delighted to show us their dorm rooms, classrooms, etc.  These are some of the girls from the first graduating class at St. Clare and they are doing so very well.

Sue: “All three of these young women were in my Class 7 English class 10 years ago. They are in their second year of studies at Meru University and Meru Institute of Science and Technology studying business and Information Technology. It was a grand reunion for Bud and I and a joy to witness the maturity of these young women. We continue to be so proud of them.”
They were as excited to see her as she was to see them.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Shoes That Grow

The day finally came for the girls to be fitted with the Shoes that Grow.  The step was to train the form IV girls on how to fit the shoes. They caught on very fast. 
Madam Phaustine, the principal, had identified the most-needy girls. The children lined up outside the library in groups of twelve. Madam Phaustine called them in, they sat on a chair and one of the Form IV girls fitted a shoe to their foot. You cannot imagine the excitement of having a new pair of shoes. The staff came in and asked if they can have a pair. We fitted the first 48 children and will fit more students next week. Madam Phaustine is going to take it slow so that no one can sneak a second pair of shoes.  It sure was amazing how quickly the girls, even the very little ones, learned how to adjust them to their feet. There are a lot of happy faces, and many expectant faces at St. Clare today.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Counselor At Work

One of Sue's main responsibilities is to be the school counselor at St. Clare.  Many of the girls have had some terrible life experiences growing up in the slums of Nairobi or the desert area of Samburu.  They just need someone to talk to about these experiences, to understand them and to move on. Every day Sue does what she loves, she talks to and listens to children either in small groups or individually.

Someone to be the counselor was the number #1 need of the administration. They are so grateful to Sue and have even established an office for her so the students can just drop by.  Here is Sue outside her office setting up appointments for the young women who wish to talk with her.